Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Simply Genius!

Looks like Tennessee no longer thinks that praying the gay away is enough and is trying to pass the "Don't Say Gay" bill which ban schools from talking about homosexuality until the ninth grade.

Parents have also been warned not to let their kids watch Modern Family because the gay couple on the show has somehow not sparked the apocolypse. In addition, make sure your kids don't watch Bert and Ernie because that whole sharing a twin bed thing is...well...weird...

So apparently, they think that if you don't talk about it, it doesn't exist.
Why, pray tell, has nobody thought of this sooner? It's simply genius!

Next, they'll deny homosexuality altogether in the hopes of making the entire LGBT community disappear!


  1. You've got a typo here. But anyway, you should really post more often. I love your posts. They're so humorous and informative.

  2. Typos have been officially fixed!
